I will never forget how I once spent all my pocket money on arcade games...Yes, true, I was 8 or something, on a winter camp and the amount of pocket money I had was close to nothing but hey...the loss was painful! A more than decade later (don't worry, I am still in my early 20s) I graduated from university with a project called 'Nintendo vs. Sony - the battle of the consoles'. You see, we are getting emotional here! So it was kind of inevitable not to get excited with the Arcade exhibition at Mediamatic. It will be open till 27 March (in the Dutch holy capital) and you will get the chance to see and actually test yourself a whole bunch of old school games. And when I say old school I do mean it. Next to it, of course, you will have the regular workshops&salons (boooring).
Spoiler alert: a new 3rd level only with consoles will open on 22 January 2011.
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